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What Is Laced Weed and Is it Dangerous?

What Is Laced Weed and Is it Dangerous?

In just a few short years, marijuana has gone through a dramatic, surprising shift in public perception once thought unthinkable. Shedding its reputation as an illegal and illicit substance, it’s now become widely available and accessible thanks to legalization across the U.S., where nearly half of all states have legalized recreational cannabis. This remarkable transformation […]

What Happens After Detox? Options for Washington State Residents

What Happens After Detox? Options for Washington State Residents

If you have recently completed medically-assisted detox, Washington State offers several continuing care options to help you maintain your sobriety. Understanding what happens after detox is important for achieving maintained sobriety. When looking for rehabs in Washington State, it is important to know what to look for. At Puget Sound Recovery Centers, we offer an […]

The Importance of Treating Depression and Addiction in Washington State

Depression and Addiction

Though they may not seem like it, depression and addiction are more deeply intertwined than we might imagine. And when they exist together, they can create a cycle — a negative feedback loop — that is difficult to break.  How Common Are Co-Occurring Disorders? A co-existence of co-occurring depression and substance abuse is quite common. […]

What Happens When You Mix Xanax and Alcohol?

Mix Xanax and Alcohol

With addiction, it’s not uncommon to see two or more drugs being used in tandem, and it’s no coincidence that Xanax and alcohol so often intersect in cases of substance abuse. A clinical study from 2023 illustrated that as many as 88% of benzodiazepine (such as Xanax) users reported the additional consumption of alcohol, with […]

Why Snorting Xanax Is a Bad Idea

Why Snorting Xanax Is a Bad Idea

It’s an unfortunate truth that some prescription drugs with helpful intentions become well-known in the public eye only after they’ve become a source of abuse and addiction. One major issue facing society is benzodiazepine addiction and people misusing the drugs. Snorting Xanax, for example, is a dangerous practice that may require the help of a […]

Benzodiazepine Addiction Treatment Options: What You Need to Know

Benzodiazepine Addiction Treatment

It can be problematic and distressing to be prescribed medication for a behavioral health or substance abuse issue only to become addicted to the very drug meant to treat the problem.  But for versatile, long-proven drugs like Xanax or Valium, getting hooked on benzodiazepines (“benzos”) is not uncommon. During a recent 1-year study period, more […]

Gabapentin Ruined My Life: The Dangers of This Prescription Medication

Awareness of the opioid crisis continues to heighten and reshape the conversation around addiction in the United States. Healthcare providers have been compelled in recent years to rethink how prescription painkillers like fentanyl — once deemed safe — have created unintended misuse and a flurry of overdose deaths. In response, alternative medications have come to […]

Can I Have a Cell Phone to Make Phone Calls in Rehab?

Can I Have a Cell Phone to Make Phone Calls in Rehab?

For those struggling with addiction, knowing they can stay connected with their loved ones when getting the help they need can be a huge source of relief. Royal Life Centers at Puget Sound understands how important it is for you to have the support of your loved ones. Understanding the rules for having cell phones […]

Is It Possible to Overdose on Adderall?

Overdose on Adderall

Many people take Adderall for issues like ADHD and narcolepsy. However, there are some negative side effects to be aware of when it comes to this medication. One particular risk associated with Adderall is the possibility of overdose if taken in large quantities. Because overdosing on Adderall can have serious consequences, it is important to […]

Why Non-Alcoholic Beer May Trigger Relapse in Recovery

non-alcoholic beer in recovery

As more people discover the harmful effects of alcohol, the search for alternative options has seen a significant increase. One product in particular, non-alcoholic beer, has become a popular replacement choice. If you are looking to swap your cocktail of choice out for a healthier version, you may be wondering about non-alcoholic beer. However, it […]