Disclosing that You Are in Recovery: How and When to Protect Your Anonymity
Being in addiction recovery is nothing to be ashamed of, however it should always be a personal choice to share if you are in recovery. Your right to remain anonymous should be upheld by those you choose to surround yourself with. You may find it unnecessary to tell others about being in recovery, or hard […]
Addiction Recovery: How Much Does Your Environment Impact You?
In addiction recovery, the most important thing you can do is protect your sobriety. It’s a common saying that “anything you put before your recovery, you’ll lose.” With that being said, you protect your sobriety by putting your recovery first. This can mean a lot of things to many different people, but basically I see […]
Permanent Damage from Addiction: Does Addiction Have Permanent Effects?
After getting sober, you may be curious to wonder if there is any permanent damage from addiction. Addiction impacts every aspect of your life, causing disruptions on a molecular, cellular, physical, behavioral and spiritual level. Addiction treatment should address all aspects of your life that has been impacted by your alcohol or substance use disorder, […]
Why You Need Therapy in Addiction Treatment (And in Life!)
We offer a variety of intensive therapies, because they are a proven-effective method of addiction treatment. Therapy is the most underrated tool for overall wellness. You should never overlook therapy or the power that therapy has to transform your life. From therapy comes insight, exploration, understanding, and change. Royal Life Centers at Puget Sound knows […]
8 Bad Habits You Could Be Making in Addiction Treatment
In addiction treatment, guests are focused on the impact of their addiction and how to make positive changes that will set them up for a successful recovery. It is common for bad habits to surface through out the addiction treatment process, which is why it is so important for guests to be sharing openly and […]
How To Combat Negative Self-Talk in Drug Rehab
Alcoholics and addicts often feel a lot of shame around their addiction, which many internalize and their minds use to perpetuate discouraging thoughts and create a pattern of negative self-talk. Self-talk is the inner dialogue each person has in their head, which includes our conscious thoughts and unconscious assumptions and beliefs. Many times, we have […]
Substance Abuse of Over-the-Counter Medications?
When you think about substance abuse and drug addiction, your mind automatically thinks about illicit drugs— but legal substances, prescription drugs, and even over the counter medications can all be abused. Many people regard legal substances as being safe, just because they are legal to buy in the United States. No matter what the substance […]
Females and Addiction: Hormones Impact on Relapse Rates
Very few female-focused clinical studies have been done in regards to addiction, however it is proven that women have higher rates of addiction following exposure to drugs. Erin Calipari, an assistant professor of pharmacology in the Vanderbilt Center for Addiction Research, executed a study that shows when fertility-related hormone levels are high, females learn faster […]
Finding Help for Drug Use
Drug Addiction treatment just requires reaching out, we will guide you through the rest. At Royal Life Centers, we offer treatment programs that are designed to follow guests through the stages of recovery, for seamless transitions. We offer comprehensive addiction treatment that runs on a holistic model, treating the mind, body, and spirit for a […]
10 Things You Can Do to Improve Your Sleep in Recovery
It’s no secret that substance use disorders completely disrupt natural sleep patterns. Drug or alcohol addiction effects each aspect of life, which is why a comprehensive addiction treatment is needed to learn and build a new way of life. Addiction recovery requires learning new skills, coping mechanisms, and replacing bad habits with healthy ones, among […]