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Is It Dangerous to Buy Xanax Online?

Is It Dangerous to Buy Xanax Online

Many people today know what it is like to suffer from anxiety and depression, often going to great extents to alleviate their symptoms. For some, this includes taking prescription medications without ever seeing a doctor. According to the National Library of Medicine, online pharmacies have significantly increased over the last few years, opening the doorway for an […]

Setting Up Barriers for Relapse Prevention

Setting Up Barriers for Relapse Prevention

At all stages of recovery from a substance use disorder, putting barriers between yourself and relapse is essential to relapse prevention. There are many factors outside of your control that you will come into contact with on a daily basis, so a solid, individualized relapse prevention plan is essential to your success in recovery. Setting […]

How To Make a Mental Health Recovery Action Plan

It can’t be emphasized enough how effective mental health treatment is. One in five adults in the U.S. experience mental illness, and one in 20 people have serious mental illness, according to the National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI).  But NAMI notes that between 70% to 90% of people who pursue psychological treatment and support […]

Using the OARS Communication Strategy During Motivational Interviewing  

Using the OARS Communication Strategy During Motivational Interviewing 

The road to recovery from drug or alcohol abuse is sometimes obstructed by a roadblock with a sign that says, “Resistant to change.”  Now consider your options:  You could turn around and go back the way you came.  You could take a detour that brings you to your intended destination, but the route is longer, […]

Marijuana Detox: Your Path to a Clear Mind and Body

Marijuana Detox

For those who have been using marijuana for a long period of time, stopping this substance can lead to THC withdrawal. This can cause them to develop unpleasant withdrawal symptoms, which can be difficult to manage on your own. Marijuana detox can be challenging, but there are resources available to help. Puget Sound Recovery Centers […]

Is Using Xanax and Weed Together Dangerous?

xanax and weed

Mixing substances is not a new concept, particularly among those who struggle with addiction. One combination that has gained popularity is Xanax and weed. However, there are some causes for concern that come with mixing these two drugs. So, can you mix Xanax and weed? There is no simple answer to this question. To learn […]

Is My Loved One Abusing Alcohol? What to Look for and Where to Get Help

Loved One Abusing Alcohol

Alcohol addiction can be a scary condition, both for those struggling with the disease and their loved ones. If you are wondering if your loved one is abusing alcohol, it is important to know what to look out for. There are several alcohol abuse signs and symptoms that you can use to recognize if a […]

Subutex vs Suboxone: What’s the Difference?

Subutex vs Suboxone

For those undergoing opioid recovery, it is common for them to encounter medications like Subutex and Suboxone. With their similar names, it is easy to get these two medications confused. When it comes to Subutex vs Suboxone, many wonder what the difference is and how each one can help. If you are struggling with an […]

8 Tips for Completing Dry January

Dry January

As the new year kicks into action, many people are finding themselves making resolutions that will help them get their lives on a better track. One trend that has become popular is “Dry January,” a one-month challenge to stop drinking alcohol. If you are considering giving this trend a try, it is important to know […]

My Loved One is a Cocaine User: How Can I Help?

Cocaine User

Even if you have never personally struggled with an addiction before, it is likely that you know someone who is a cocaine user now or in the past. As one of the most popularly abused drugs in the U.S., cocaine is a common culprit for those who suffer from a substance use disorder. If you […]